old fashion me, the ramblings of today.
time flies, in a blink of any eye, everything is so different, visited several bicycle shops... wow.... everything change, from rapid fire shifters + triggers to double rapid fire shifters.... components from LX changed names to SLX... so on and so for... well some say there's a need to keep up with time, true to an extent, as time goes by technology changes, mostly for the better, however, sometimes, its more then just pure hardware and technology, emotions perhaps. i didnt feel comfortable with the change of shifters, fumbling with a bicycle, something that i was using for more then a decade... i still found the older version more comfy to ride with. likewise, with einstein, it felt like an arcade game, the shifters felt good, the sound of the gearbox was great, even with the stock backfire, it sounds really good... but i really do miss the old fashion gear shift, clutch shift clutch and throttle... the sound of the bov fluttering, the bushings rubbing the lever, ... just old fashion. Yes, today's cars and bikes are better, in terms of geometry, handling, technology, everything, its just the reminiscence of the "old technology" and old times, bring me back to who i really am, what i really like doing, and realize, there was never competition, it was just all about me, and yes, it rocks.... People usually ask, if you could turn back time, would you regret or choose a different life? the answer is no. its better to have experienced then not to at all. i have enjoyed every bike, every car i owned to the fullest, i wished for more, but not much can be done, times change, things phase out, things wear out, only memories remain, for a while that is, it will go as age catches up. All that's needed to be done is to continue, looking forward, making the best out of everything, every situation and every ride ~