Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ignore this post. ramblings of a confused guy.

2months later......
with the front of the car being heavier and engine mounted in front of the wheels, it seems like the wear of tyres is worse on the front then the back... openning the rear camber more then the front might help the car to push its butt into the corner.... or maybe stiffening the rear suspension alone? mabye bcuz of the inbalance power output with all 4 wheels, 60F40R, if the heldax? controller really works, then its a definite good buy... 150clicks is when there is a starting slight difference in the car's handling(stability) compared to the previous ride.... power lost after 145clicks. previous ride had much more stability comparing stock shocks, it boils down to the rear spoiler and the 50-50 power output balance. 60f40r might just be to pull or push the front mounted engine. tweaking it's power might have an effect on its chassis as the chassis might not be able to withstand the power upgrade and lose power there, also the gear balancing the car... lighten muffler would make the back lighter, BBK makes the already front even heavier, rear camber might do the trick in corner for balancing, but i do have a feeling that only a stiffer rear spring would be a good option, but stiffer rear only to balance 60f40r, but without efficient grip from the tyres it might give the back out, corner at 170clicks(estimate) already threw off the rear with a little braking, there's too much weight in the front, adding weight in the back will slightly balance the weight distribution, but definitely slow down the already slow car. Gear6 3200 rpm has a reactive point, but the pull is still too slow. guess i am just used to the high end power, and am not used to the low end torque feel yet.
going down 99, the gear shifts are the issue, more or less, i know which gear and what exact power band i need inside the course, but the clutch doesnt grip enough, the clutch lag happens to be a double lag when shifting gear, you wait for 1 "time" then 2nd "time" then the clutch goes in, which spoils the exiting speed. the entry speed is ok, but the exit speed was delayed due to the clutch being too slow to engage and power doesnt come immediately due to the clutch not the power band issue. basically, the rear downforce is much needed, adding a spoiler would be great but also makes the car slower.
lightening the front rims only will affect the power output as well, so thats a no no, there has to be something to lighten in the front of the car to balance it up.
the gear ratios are rather small, so the pick up till 140 is pretty sufficient , very city driving car, but not a top end car compared to the previous ride. gear 3 and 4 seems to be the most efficient for mid speed cornners, 140-180?
the radio truly sucks, even running in the speakers, playing an opera cd in the radio in front of a singer would make the singer commit suicide.
back to the tyres, gripper front tyres>? or maintain all high grip tyres, even so, the rear likes to lift and shift/slide........remap + spoiler to maintain the current balance?